Psychoanalytic Career Consultancy combines my experience and skills in both Career Consulting andPsychoanalytic Therapy in a way which can resolve the internal conflict which is blocking your growth.

My long-established practice as a psychoanalytic therapist has given me a good deal of experience in helping people to fulfil their potential. This clinical work entails in-depth analysis of emotional issues, often over a number of years rather than months.

I have come to find that for many people who seek help for anxiety and depression, attaining the right job relieves their symptoms. It does this by establishing a channel for productivity and growth. The experience of being productive and of spending time alongside like-minded colleagues working towards a common goal has the effect of breaking the negative cycle.

For this reason twelve years ago I trained in Career Consultancy at the Tavistock Career and Education Consultancy and since 2001 have worked as an Associate Senior Consultant for Executive Action (link).